Lovers of the sea must stop in El Puerto de Santa
María. They will have the opportunity of sailing
in the beautiful Bay of Cadiz aboard a replica of
the famous caravel with which Columbus discovered
America, or sign up for the Steamship Adriano II,
which is something, more than just a boat.
When you get back to dry land seek out the Romerijo
terraces on the bank of the River guadalete, where
you can buy bags of Shrimp and fried fish, accompanied
by a tasty delicious local dry sherry. If you are
lucky residents will invite you into their houses
to view hidden nooks of the town adorned with flowers
and ceramic pots. On 16 July you can see the Virgen
del Carmen festivities. A few days later at the end
of July and first part of August you can participate
in dry sherry tasting for amateurs or attend the magnificent
Comedy theatre Festival on the weekends in august.
In the city of the wine cellars wines are produced
by the classic traditional method. They range from
the pale and dry Fino to the sweet Pedro Ximen and
Moscatel to the tasty Amontillados all the way to
the exquisite Olorosos. Ask in the tourism Office
how to follow the Route of El Puerto Area Wine Producers
and Wine Cellars, which are true jewels that you should
visit and experience. In fact in El Puerto de Santa
María there is a wine for every dish and its
maritime tradition is reflected in a varied menu:
from the traditional fried fish, stews such as skate
with fried bread, mackerel or sole with pasta mix
with the people. Learn to live in this thousand year
old city and go to its marina and witness how the
city and the sea become as one.
Cadiz province