Medina Sidonia is located in the Bull Route - between
the mountain and the sea - has a privileged view of
country-side and the Bay of Cádiz.
Within its streets we discover past civilisations
which are now part of our memory and legacy such as:
The Roman colony of Asido Caesarina , constructed
over Phoenician settlements, at the top of "Cerro
del Castillo", over 300 m. high.
Under Visigoth rule, Medina was capital of the province
and has been centre of the church since late V century.
Invaded by the Muslims in 712 was capital of the Sidonia
Cora (Sadunia).
Conquered by King Alonso X El Sabio in 1264 Medina
Sidonia became part of the frontier with the Nazarí
Kingdom of Granada.
This town has been delcared Historic and Artistic
Zone and of Cultural Interest, and was given a Prize
to the Beautification of Andalusian Towns.
Cadiz province