The history of chipiona Hill be revealed to the visitor
who climbs the 344 steps that lead to the top of its
lighthouse, the tallest in Spin and the third tallest
in the worlds, from which he Hill be afforded views
of the entire area .
From there he will see the cloister of the Sanctuary,
the Cuzmán el Bueno Castle, the parish church
or the impressive fish traps. Perhaps what will most
attract the attention of the visitor are the Chipiona
fish traps, expertly built stone walls that begin
at the coast and increase in height as they stretch
out to sea.
The fish are trapped here by the tide for the cataor
who in water up to the waist will catch them. If you
go in February you will be entertained by the carnival,
the community’s most distinctive fiesta. If
you go in summer you can choose the majestic marine
procession of the Virgen del Carmen in July the fiestas
announcing the grape harvest in August or the vigil
of Nuestra Señora de Regla on 8 September in
summer you can also enjoy the white sand beaches.
Cadiz province