Huelva information
The city of huelva is rich in folk festivities, but the Columbian Fiestas are the best known. These festivities are intimately linked to the feat of the discovery of america and with the departure date of the caravels for the New World under the command of Admiral Christopher Columbus.
They are six days of fiesta in the happy city in which tribute is paid to those sailors and navigators who took part in the most transcendental discovery in history.
If you come here you will enjoy the columbian displays, spending days at the fair, seeing its imposing Iberian-American Dance Festival and the principal figures of the bullfighting world at the ancient bull ring plaza. and before you have recovered from the columbian festivities you will be faced with six more days of celebrations during the Fiestas de la Cinta, which will concluded with a solemn precession of the Virgin through the principal street of the city.