El Granado
It is recommended that you travel by foot, bicycle or horse the 17 kilometres along the right of way of the former railroad that transported ore from Minas la Herrería to Puerto de Laja. All along this route you can enjoy magnificent views of natural landscapes and bridges and cut banks of the former railroad. You will pass by picnic areas and through former mining communities to arrive at the hamlet of Puerto La Laja, the former ore loading area. At the halfway point you should stop to tour the former mining community of El Sardón, which soon will be restored for tourist use. In the town you can visit the Santa Catalina Church, with a Latin cross floor plan and of Renaissance style with baroque and neoclassic elements. Inside, one of the canvases most loved by the Cranadinos is displayed: that of the coronation of María Santísima Trinidad. When you leave the town you won’t be able to help stopping to observe the imposing windmill, restored in 1996, in which you can learn about the labour of tilling the soil in years gone by.