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Alicante Tabarca

The Tabarca archipelago is formed by the island called La Plana, de Santa Pola or Nueva Tabarca and a few islets.
The village of San Pedro and San Pablo is situated on the west part of the island.The archipelago is at 8 miles from Alicante and at 3 miles of Santa Pola on the south -east direction.

The village is surrounded by walls and there are three different entrances :

-Puerta de Tierra -northern part
-Puerta de Levante -on the east part
-Puerta de la Trencada- on the west

The village of San Pedro is one of the best examples of military architecture of spain .
Tabarca was then declared Site of Historic and Artistic Interest in 1964.
Concerning the natural environment , its standout the geological , ecological and biological features which together with the ideal conditions of conservation allow the existence of really interesting ecosystems.

Alicante guide

Alicante map
City map of Alicante
City map of Benidorm
Alicante Hotels
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Alicante Information
Alicante Attractions
Alicante Beaches
Alicante Benidorm
Benidorm Gastronomy
Alicante Calendar
Alicante Calpe
Calpe Festivities
Calpe Gastronomy
Carrascal de la Font Roja
Alicante Denia
El Hondo
El Montgo

Alicante Festivities
Alicante Gastronomy
Alicante golf
Alicante History
Lagunas de la Mata y Torrevieja
Alicante Location
Alicante Monuments
Alicante Moors and Christians
Alicante Museums
Alicante night life
Alicante Parks
Penyal D'Ifach
Salinas de Santa Pola
Alicante San Juan
Alicante Tabarca
Alicante Teulada
Alicante useful telephones
Alicante White Coast

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