Gerona, girona information
The Pirineu of Girona
In the Pirineu de Girona you will find all the shades of green: the mysterious, deep green of mountain lakes and streams; the soft, soothing green of the fields and meadows the bold green of the treetops as they march up sheer mountainsides...
Everything there speaks of nature, of life, of scenery. Amidst
this mighty, sometimes fierce setting an authentic, warm spirit
has thrived, capable of inspiring a mountain culture based on
honesty, peace and respect for things and people.
It is thanks precisely to this respect that today it is still possible to retrace the medieval steps from village to village and from monastery to monastery, following the Romanesque Route through such extraordinary sites as Ripoll or Sant Joan de les Abadesses.
The mountainous region of Girona stretches in an east-west direction from the Mediterranean up to the Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park. Its proximity to the Mediterranean is what provides such a benign clime to this part of the Pyrenees.
From Cap de Creus westward, the winter snows mark the main points along our route: the Alpine ski areas of Vallter, in Setcases, or Núria, situated next to the monastery of the same name, or Masella and La Molina, together with the cross-country ski area of Guils Fontanera, today make up one of the most alluring winter sports proposals that Southern Europe has to offer.
Beneath these natural skyscrapers, the territory spreads out like
an enormous vegetal stain towards the Pre-Pyrenees areas which
offer such notable treasures as the Garrotxa Volcanic Area, Beget,
Oix, Besalú, Santa Pau... It would be unreasonable to overfill
this introduction with the great number of villages, towns and
sites that can be sited, but we would not want you to turn the
page without us getting the chance to recommend, once again, one
of the area's most cherished treasures: its cuisine. There are
so many restaurants where cooking has achieved an art form that
you will not have to go out of your way or sacrifice other activities
to enjoy the delicious local fare. Whether you're in the Cerdanya
a region or in the Camprodon valley, or visiting Núria valley,
enchanted by the unique scenery that unfolds before you as you
climb the miraculous layout of the only rack railway in Spain,
or if you reach Olot drawn by its pictorial tradition and by its
galleries and exhibitions... be loyal to our cuisine, and you
will thank us for it when you think back on your holidays.
Gerona guide
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