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Almeria trekking Albufera Adra


Albufera of Adra . (2 h. aprox.)

The trekking route takes places along a protected humid area of Albufera.

This landscape has a great ecologic value and interest and the access is easy and give us the opportunity of watching the aquatic birds in the albufera (pool) of Adra, 7 km. from the town towards Almería.

We can see how the fauna of the area has adapted itself to the plastic sea covering the cultivations around the Honda Albufera and Nueva Albufera.

There are so many species of birds building their nests in the place, that costitutes the albufera as an area of incredible beauty worth visiting any time in the year.

Andalucia trekking routes

Albufera Adra
Campo de Tabernas. Sorbas - La Huelga
Nijar - Agua Amarga - Las Negras
Nijar - Cabo de Gata - Punta Polacra
Nijar - Cabo de Gata - San Jose
Nijar - San Jose - Punta Polacra
Olula de Castro - Rambla del Verdelecho
Sierra Alhamilla baths
Sierra Alhamilla. Mini-Hollywood
Sierra Alhamilla. Níjar - Huebro - Turrillas
Sierra de Gador. Almería - Enix
Sierra de los Filabres. Laroya
Sierra de los Filabres. Las Rojas
Sierra de los Filabres. Senes - Laroya
Sierra de los Filabres. Uleila del Campo
Sierra de los Filabres. Velefique - Tetica de Bacares
Sierra Maria. Travesia de la Sierra
Sierra Maria. Velez Blanco
Sierra Nevada - Abrucena
Sierra Nevada - Cerro del Almirez
Sierra Nevada - El Nacimiento - Alboloduy
Sierra Nevada - El Roble - Cerro del Almirez
Sierra Nevada - La Ragua
Sierra Nevada - Lajuar - Cerro del Almirez
Sierra Nevada - Ocaña


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