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Valencia El palmar

El Palmar is the setting for a long, ongoing, bitter soap-opera of a dispute, the kind tabloids describe as "dividing the community." Licences to fish in the lagoon are, logically, restricted and have been handed down over the centuries from father to son.

Since the Spanish transición and the introduction of the constitution with its equal-rights provisions, a group of women in the village, daughters of fishermen, has been fighting a legal battle for the right to fish there. Time and time again, they have won their case in court, only to find that the community combats these legal decisions by simply ignoring them.

Valencia guide

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Valencia Information
Valencia airport
Valencia Alto Turia
Valencia amusements parks
Valencia Attractions
Valencia Beaches
Valencia by night
Valencia coast
Valencia El palmar
Valencia Fallas
Valencia Festivities
Valencia Gardens
Valencia Gastronomy
Valencia golf
Valencia La Albufera

Valencia location
Valencia Monuments
Valencia Museums
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The Devesa
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