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Palencia information

Cervera de Pisuerga information

Amid spectacular surroundings, some 1,000 metres above sea level, ringed by mountains and reservoirs, stands the town of Cervera de Pisuerga, near the source of the river Carrión.

The town was the manor of the Counts of Siruela and fell on one of the Roman roads towards the Cantabrian Sea, which is why it preserves vestiges of its historic past. Outstanding in the town are the square, embellished with stone columns from the 16th and 17th centuries; and the church of Santa María del Castillo, a Gothic work from the 16th century which has been declared a National Monument, relevant in which is the funeral chapel of Santa Ana, with its Hispano-Flemish reredos featuring a panel by Juan de Flandes, La Adoración de los Reyes. Near the town is the hermitage of San Vicente and at a distance of three kilometres, the Fuentes Carrionas Parador Nacional hotel, which sits in a landscape dotted with mountain lakes and enormous peaks.

Oficina de Turismo: Plaza Modesto La Fuente, 1
34840 Cervera de Pisuerga (Palencia)
Tel. +34 979870695

Source: Web server of Instituto de Turismo de España, TURESPAÑA.

Palencia guide

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